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Senatul Ştiinţific al Fundației Dan Voiculescu

Investing in research and innovation is essential for the future of mankind.

In 2010, the Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania sets up a new department, the SCIENTIFIC SENATE, in order to promote scientific and technical innovations that can contribute to increasing the quality of life and development of Romania. During all these years, the Scientific Senate represented the approach through which the Dan Voiculescu Foundation for the Development of Romania supported the Romanian research and invention area, trying to promote and offer financial support to researchers and inventors.

The Scientific Senate enjoys the expertise of a team of specialists in Romania and abroad who evaluate and validate the development of programs and projects of our applicants.

Projects and programs of the Scientific Senate since 2010:
1. The largest individual science prize in recent history worth $ 100,000, awarded to the Romanian inventor, Justin Capra.

2. Innovation and research scholarships, offered to young Romanian inventors. SAB Scholarship -”We propel the future” offered at the Bucharest Motor Show, for the most impressive current invention in the automotive field.

3. The Grand Prize for Euroinvent, awarded to the most interesting invention presented at the largest invention exhibition in Eastern Europe.

4. The Robochallenge Prize offered in the largest robotics competition in Europe.

5. Inovaliment is the Scientific Senate’s program dedicated to food research aiming at developing new and sustainable foods suitable for the diet of the future. The Inovaliment is comprised of 3 programs: The Inovaliment Invention and Innovation Fair, The Inovaliment Conferences, The Early Nutrition Education Program, a paediatric nutrition education program and observational studies in progress on the role of early nutrition in the life of the future adult.

6. Inovaging is the Scientific Senate’s program promoting and supporting longevity by way of funding research and development at an early stage of medical solutions which might contribute to prolonging the healthy life duration of man and to developing gerontology facilities and services on active ageing. Inovaging program is comprised of 2 projects: Longevity and Gerontology Conference, The International Call for Projects in Gerontology and Longevity.
