Southeast Europe’s largest invention exhibition – EUROINVENT will officially open its gates on May 20 at 11.00 at Palas Iași.
“Friday and Saturday (May 20th and 21st), the audience and specialists will be able to see over 500 creations from 42 countries from multiple domains: from cars to software, from cosmetics to nano-technology, inventions and research that will compete for prizes and awards given by the organizers and partners” explains assist.univ.dr.eng. Andrei Victor Sandu from the Technical University “Gh. Asachi “and president of the Romanian Inventors Forum.
EUROINVENT is a leading European event in the field of innovation and research, the only one in Romania to be supported by IFIA – the International Federation of Inventory Associations and WIIPA – World Invention Intellectual Property Associations.
EUROINVENT promotes Romanian creativity in Europe and European ingenuity in an international context by exposing the contributions of academic hubs, research institutes and individual inventors.
EUROINVENT could not be organized in optimal conditions without the support of:
WEICON, KESZ Romania, Tenaris Silcotub, QUARTZ MATRIX, COTNARI, NESCAFE, Merlin’s Vitamin Aqua, EXONIA, ARTIS IT UNIVERS, Fundatia Dan Voiculescu Pentru Dezvoltarea Romanei, ADVERTO, COLIBRI Consulting, INCD URBAN INCERC, OSIM Bucuresti, Asociatia Dentara Romana pentru Educatie, Infinity Trophy, Protect Mark, AdMediaGroup, Rotaract Iasi Copou.
For 8 consecutive years, the city of Iaşi is the host of researchers and inventors around the world, coming to the European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation EUROINVENT.
Organized for the first time in 2009 – the European Year of Creativity, at the initiative of the Europe Direct Information Center in Iași and the Romanian Inventors Forum, supported by two of the most famous universities in Romania: “Al.I.Cuza” University Iași, Technical University “Gheorghe Asachi” Iasi, EUROINVENT last year established partnerships with prestigious academic institutions such as: University Malaysia Perlis, Ubudiyah University Indonesia and Malaysian Research & Innovation Society, ” said Paul Matei, coordinator of the Europe Direct Information Center Iasi.
The first edition of Euroinvent presented inventors and researchers from 6 countries that exhibited over 150 inventions. In 2014, the Iasi Exhibition Hall exhibited over 400 inventions, researches and books from over 20 countries, this year exceeding the threshold of 500 creations by inventors and researchers around the world.
Euroinvent will be hosting these events:
1. Inventions and Research Exhibition
2. International Conference on Innovative Research – ICIR
3. Technical-Scientifical, Artistic and Literary Book Exhibition
4. European Visual Art Exhibition