Justin Capră, a Romanian that dedicated his life to research, opens the series of conferences focused on great Romanian inventors. Recognized as the inventor of the first flying backpack (jet pack), and for his research and discoveries in the field of unconventional flying machines and cars, the engineer Justin Capră will talk about his encounter with Henri Coandă, who would become his mentor and friend, and how this experience changed his life.
The conferences on the great Romanian inventors offer a space of intellectual dialogue centered on the discoveries and life stories of the Romanians who have changed the fate of humanity. The discussions are focused on the themes of the relationship between innovation and progress in societal development, and how today’s ideas have the potential to turn into the inventions and achievements of the future.
The conferences are open to the public.
The events are geared towards young people, but also to those who desire more information than what has already been written, about the Romanians who have contributed to the progress of mankind.
Pictures from the event.
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Fotografii realizate de Dan Marinescu